
Allen Test

Determines whether the ulnar artery will supply the hand with enough blood, if the radial artery is blocked with an arterial line. (Done before arterial line insertion.)

  • Ask the patient to make a fist and hold it
  • Compress both the radial and ulnar arteries of the wrist
  • Have the patient open the hand
  • Release the ulnar artery
  • Note how quickly the hand becomes pink (7 seconds?)

Analgesic ladder

World Health Organisation approach to pain relief, realised by three stages, until relief occurs:

1Peripherally acting drugsAspirin, Paracetamol, NSAIDs
2Weak opioid - with or without non-opioid Lidocaine, Codeine
3Strong opioidsMorphine, Fentanyl

APGAR score

A method to quickly assess the health of newborn children, immediately after birth.

AppearanceBlue or pale all overBlue at extemities; pink body No cyanosis; body and extremities pink
Pulse rateAbsent<100≥100
GrimaceNo response to stimulationGrimace/feeble cry when stimulated Cry or pull away when stimulated
ActivityNoneSome flexionFlexed arms and legs which resist extension
RespirationAbsentWeak,irregular,gaspingStrong,lusty cry

Scores less than 4 are critically low; 4 to 6 are fairly low; above 6 are normal.

Arterial Blood Gases

Checking patient physiology during:
  • Respiratory compromise
  • Post cardiopulmonary arrest.
  • Evaluation of interventions eg, ventilation, respiratory stimulants.
  • Comparison between pre and post operative variables.
Basics || Wirral University || Resuscitation Council || Interpretation || WebMD

Arterial line

An intra-arterial catheter (over a needle) placed in a peripheral artery, such as the radial, axillary, femoral, brachial, or pedal.

Bi Spectral Index

A depth of anaesthesia monitoring system, using the patient's ECG activity to calculate depth of awareness. A hypnotic state measurement scale of 0 (no electrical activity) to 100 (awake) is used. In general anaesthesia, a reading between 40 and 60 is expected.

Blood glucose (BM) monitoring

Blood glucose measurement is commonly referred to as 'BM' testing, after 'Boehringer Mannheim', the German pharmaceutical company (now named 'Roche').   Overview   ||   Example system

Bloods testing

Bottle colour codes

BM test

See Blood glucose monitoring

Blood pressure

Pressure exerted by the blood on artery walls as it flows through the arteries. Measured in millimetres of mercury by a sphygmomanometer. A typical value for a healthy young adult is 120:80 mm/Hg. The higher reading is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure when the heart is ejecting blood into the arteries. The lower reading is the diastolic pressure, which occurs when the aortic and pulmonary valves are closed, and the heart is relaxed. Blood pressure can also be represented as Cardiac output * Peripheral resistance.

rate (per min)
rate (min)
1 month12090:5035
1 year11595:5530
4 years10095:5525
8 years90100:6020
12 years85110:6515
12+ years64-80120:8012


The monitoring of the concentration or the partial pressure of CO2 in respiratory gases, usually represented as a graph (capnogram) of expired or inspired (rebreathing systems) levels. In healthy persons, the difference between the partial pressures of arterial blood and expired CO2 is small, or nil in children. In some conditions, such as lung disease or some forms of congenital heart disease, the difference between arterial blood and expired CO2 can exceed 1 kPa. Fever and shivering increase CO2 production levels reduce during anaesthesia and hypothermia. Capnography can give warning of situations, such as: hypoventilation, oesophageal intubation, or circulatory failure.

End tidal CO2 values:
End tidal valueDescription
Hyperventilation: respiratory alkalosis< 35 mm/Hg
Normal range35-45 mm/Hg (5%)
Hypoventilation: respiratory acidosis> 45 mm/Hg

Ventilation  ||   Paramedic notes  ||   End Tidal CO2  ||   Example capnograms

CardioQ Doppler monitor

An oesophageal monitoring device, to guide intravenous fluid management in surgical patients, who are at risk from serious and potentially life-threatening complications, caused by a reduction in circulating blood volume (hypovolaemia), which results from the combined effects of pre-operative fasting, anaesthetic agents, and blood lost during the surgery.

The CardioQ Doppler system uses a probe, where the oesophagus and descending aorta lie at their closest point, to monitor the flow of blood leaving the descending aorta, in real-time, using ultrasound, allowing the Anaesthetist to quickly detect any reduction in circulating blood volume, and to make the appropriate interventions. The technique of optimising a patient's haemodynamic status in this way, by giving the right amount of the right fluid at the right time, is known as individualized Doppler Guided Fluid Management.

The CardioQ system is very sensitive to changes in central circulation flow, and provides immediate and accurate measurement.   Manual

Central venous pressure

Pressure in the right atrium of the heart: measurement of blood filling the right atrium, blood volume, and cardiac function. Is also an indicator of the heart's effectiveness as a pump.   Image


Recording of the heart's electrical activity. Heart rate can be calculated by dividing 1,500 by the number of small squares between R waves (300/large squares).   More

Fluid balance


Fluid losses

Urine output of normal adult is 50 ml/hour. Normal daily fluid exchange of 70 kg man is 3 litres.  More

Hb testing

Testing Haemoglobin levels in the blood.

  • Wash hands, don gloves
  • Wet side of finger with paper, then dry
  • Set gauge to smallest mark
  • Pierce skin
  • Put sharp in sharps bin
  • Wait 1 minute
  • Wipe blood away
  • Place device perpendicular to blood
  • Repository is filled by capillary action
  • Switch on analyser
  • Place sample in analyser atrium

See also  Biology


Produces decreased end tidal CO2.

Lidco monitor

Lidco plus is a haemodynamic Monitor, providing continuous, reliable and accurate assessment of the haemodynamic status of critical care and surgical patients.

Motor score

Measurement scheme to describe a patient's ability to mobilise the lower limbs.
  • 0: Can bend knees and lift legs
  • 1: Can bend knees and slige legs apart
  • 2: Can wiggle toes, but unable to bend knees
  • 3: Unable to move legs


Deficient secretion of urine.


The provision of critical evaluation and stabilisation of the post-operative patient, and to anticipate and prevent complications resulting from anaesthesia or surgery.   Details

Sedation score

Measurement scheme to describe a patient's level of sedation.
  • S Normal sleep
  • 0 Awake and alert
  • 1 Drowsy
  • 2 Sedated/difficult to rouse
  • 3 Unrousable

Thromboelastography (TEG)

A test of the efficiency of blood coagulation, platelet function, clot strength, and fibrinolysis.
Interpretation   ||   Guideleines