Emergency Anaesthesia
An emergency case, such as a ruptured aortic aneurysm, demands minimum delay to anaesthetic induction (typically by RSI), and surgical intervention. Fluid loss must be countered, with blood replacement for haemorrhage, plasma for burns victims, and electrolyte solutions for intestinal losses.

The patient will be taken straight into theatre, where the following must be ready for induction:

Note: Suxamethonium is contra-indicated in burns patients.
Blood loss:
A loss of greater than 15% circulating volume causes tachycardia and vasoconstriction. Although systolic pressure may be maintained, the vasoconstriction may cause a rise in diastolic pressure, with a consequent fall in pulse pressure (difference between diastolic and systolic pressures). The ability to compensate for blood loss is reduced in frail and elderly patients. If haemorrhage continues, BP and urine output will fall. Oxygen sats may also fall.
The priority is to restore circulating blood volume. Initially, give 0.9% saline, then blood.