Collection of blood products
  1. Take patient/blood documentation to blood collection area
  2. Retrieve patient blood product information from blood bank register
  3. Validate patient details against the register
  4. Retrieve first unit of blood product from the refrigerator
  5. Retrieve crossmatch report
  6. Validate blood product details against patient documentation
  7. Ensure the right product for the right patient
  8. If discrepencies, return product to fridge and report to blood bank
  9. If all correct, place product in the blood transport box
  10. Complete audit details in blood bank register and collection slip
  11. Without delay, take blood product to destination
  12. Inform requesting staff of product arrival
  13. Requester must validate patient and product details
  14. Requester must accept the product and sign the blood collection slip
  15. Responsibility for product now lies with above